Ruined Rockstars: Paperback Edition
Exciting news! The entire Ruined Rockstars series is now available on paperback!
Exciting news! The entire Ruined Rockstars series is now available on paperback!
It’s taken me nearly a year to get my shit together and make this happen because it was important to me that the paperbacks not just be your standard interiors. I wanted them to be unique and feel special. I’m the kind of reader who only collects my most favorite books on paperback, and when I do, I want them to look just as pretty inside as they do outside.
For me, that meant learning an entirely new design and formatting program in between writing books this year (and changing the covers a thousand times, too). I finally buckled down a couple of weeks ago and really dove into learning InDesign and getting these books formatted.
Then, I had to create the covers and upload everything to Amazon (and wait for them to review and approve each and every title). As of a couple of days ago, every book in that series, as well as Captive and Chased, are available in paperback for the first time ever.
Crossed Souls has been submitted as well but is still waiting to be approved, but that should happen in the next day or two, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Scroll down for a sneak peek of some interior details from Vicious Icon:
Vicious Icon interior spread
Vicious Icon interior spread
You can check out the entire collection here: