My Latest Obsession: Halo (Fallen Angel Series)

I haven’t done a book rec in a while because, while I still read an ungodly amount, I’m not great about writing about it and it takes a lot for me to want to recommend something to you. I’m a decently picky reader and for a book or series to stand out for me, it has to be exceptional.

Now, that’s not to say I don’t read a lot of great books that I totally love. But I can count on one hand the number of books and/or series that I’d be willing to re-read (I’m not really a re-reader…at all). Enter: Halo.

Now, I’ve pretty much been reading nothing but reverse harem for a few months now, not only because I love them but also getting a feel for what styles I like and don’t in preparation for the series I’m going to write next. But, I like to take a break and occasionally read stories on the Choices and Chapters apps (they’re interactive story app platforms and pretty fun).

That was where I found Halo. Now, I should say upfront that this series is M/M. It has all the typical romance elements but with two male heroes instead of a male and female. But oh maaan. It’s scorching hot, sweet as can be, and filled with all the rockstar goodness you could want.

The first book is Halo and it centers around a guy who’s on his way to an audition to be the new lead singer for his favorite band after theirs quit on them. He blows them away and, well… you’ll have to read it to find out what happens next. When I say this book is both super hot and stunningly romantic at times, I really mean it.

The book does end on a cliffhanger, but the journey is beautiful and one of my favorites of all time. If you decide to give it a read, come back and leave me a comment letting me know what you think. Will this series be your first M/M series like it was mine?

Ready to jump in? READ HALO NOW


Sorry For the Delay


What Am I Thinking?