What I Read Heather Ashley What I Read Heather Ashley

What I Read This Week

I’ve been on a bit of a Siobahn Davis kick lately and so I happily took a deep dive into her Rydeville High series this past weekend. Now, I haven’t finished the entire series, but this one’s set up a little different than your usual series. It’s a combination of a trilogy with cliffhanger endings and then jumps to some standalones for the other characters.

I’ve been on a bit of a Siobahn Davis kick lately and so I happily took a deep dive into her Rydeville High series this past weekend. Now, I haven’t finished the entire series, but this one’s set up a little different than your usual series. It’s a combination of a trilogy with cliffhanger endings and then jumps to some standalones for the other characters.

When I started the series, it was set up like a reverse harem, so I was sort of expecting that, but it wasn’t even close. But it really made me love those other two male characters, Jackson and Sawyer, so I’m excited to see what their stories are about in the standalones.

One thing to note: This series is a high school bully romance series and when she says bully, she REALLY means it. I’ve only read the trilogy so far, but this is probably the darkest series I have ever read. There are a lot of disturbing scenes and themes that take place throughout the three books.

I mean, book one starts out with our heroine trying to off herself and it just gets darker from there. The payoff, though… The payoff is worth it all. The ending is completely satisfying, even if I do hope that Abby and Kai make an appearance in any and all future standalone books because I can’t get enough of them being happy.

The two of them went through the ringer, more than I would have even imagined. If you’re looking for an emotional read to take you on a wild ride, I definitely recommend this series. I haven’t been let down by Siobahn yet!

Start with book 1:

Cruel Intentions


Did you read anything amazing this week? Let me know in the comments so I can add to my TBR!

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What I Read Heather Ashley What I Read Heather Ashley

My Latest Obsession: Halo (Fallen Angel Series)

I haven’t done a book rec in a while because, while I still read an ungodly amount, I’m not great about writing about it and it takes a lot for me to want to recommend something to you. I’m a decently picky reader and for a book or series to stand out for me, it has to be exceptional.

Now, that’s not to say I don’t read a lot of great books that I totally love. But I can count on one hand the number of books and/or series that I’d be willing to re-read (I’m not really a re-reader…at all). Enter: Halo.

I haven’t done a book rec in a while because, while I still read an ungodly amount, I’m not great about writing about it and it takes a lot for me to want to recommend something to you. I’m a decently picky reader and for a book or series to stand out for me, it has to be exceptional.

Now, that’s not to say I don’t read a lot of great books that I totally love. But I can count on one hand the number of books and/or series that I’d be willing to re-read (I’m not really a re-reader…at all). Enter: Halo.

Now, I’ve pretty much been reading nothing but reverse harem for a few months now, not only because I love them but also getting a feel for what styles I like and don’t in preparation for the series I’m going to write next. But, I like to take a break and occasionally read stories on the Choices and Chapters apps (they’re interactive story app platforms and pretty fun).

That was where I found Halo. Now, I should say upfront that this series is M/M. It has all the typical romance elements but with two male heroes instead of a male and female. But oh maaan. It’s scorching hot, sweet as can be, and filled with all the rockstar goodness you could want.

The first book is Halo and it centers around a guy who’s on his way to an audition to be the new lead singer for his favorite band after theirs quit on them. He blows them away and, well… you’ll have to read it to find out what happens next. When I say this book is both super hot and stunningly romantic at times, I really mean it.

The book does end on a cliffhanger, but the journey is beautiful and one of my favorites of all time. If you decide to give it a read, come back and leave me a comment letting me know what you think. Will this series be your first M/M series like it was mine?

Ready to jump in? READ HALO NOW

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What I Read Heather Ashley What I Read Heather Ashley

What I Read This Weekend

This is the third book in the Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High series and I felt like I’d been waiting for it for forever. I absolutely adore this series. It’s a dark high school bully reverse harem series with a strong-as-hell heroine who can definitely hold her own. But her guys? They make her stronger and the five of them together make a formidable team.


This is the third book in the Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High series and I felt like I’d been waiting for it for forever. I absolutely adore this series. It’s a dark high school bully reverse harem series with a strong-as-hell heroine who can definitely hold her own. But her guys? They make her stronger and the five of them together make a formidable team.

I don’t want to give too much away with this book, because it is a trilogy after all, but I highly (HIGHLY!) recommend you start with book one and just enjoy the ride. I generally don’t re-read books, but this is a series I have a feeling I’m going to be coming back to again and again.

The guys are hot alphas, the girl is no weakling, and the situations are heart pounding with twists and turns you won’t expect. If you give it a read, come back and let me know what you thought!

It was a busy weekend of writing and revision around here, so I only got through the one book and part of another (which is the final book in another RH series I’ve been reading and waiting for), but if you read something you loved this weekend, let me know because I need some new recs!

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What I Read Heather Ashley What I Read Heather Ashley

What I Read This Weekend

Finding Zen is getting a refresher so I didn’t have my usual amount of reading time this weekend. Still, I managed to finish the books below. Let me know in the comments what you read this weekend.

Finding Zen is getting a refresher so I didn’t have my usual amount of reading time this weekend. Still, I managed to finish the books below. Let me know in the comments what you read this weekend.

Rich Prick by Tijan


The way this book’s written, it unraveled each and every secret slowly and over the course of the entire book, so it really kept me hooked. Blaise and Aspen seem like they’re so different in the beginning of the book, but as the story progresses we learn that maybe they aren’t what we think they are. And I am here. For. It.

I read this book all in one day because I couldn’t put it down. And now, of course, I’m moving onto the second book in the series.

Blaise starts out as a guy who wants no part of any sort of relationship. But he quickly changes his tune when he interacts with Aspen, who in her own right isn’t looking for anything either. But they find their salvation in each other and it really is beautiful. I don’t know if I’ve read another book where the hero and heroine are so good for healing each other’s wounds.

I’d definitely recommend giving this one a read!

Times Like These by Julia Wolf


A book blogger I follow on Insta (@the_romance_reader_gal) recommended this one and I’ve gotta say I loved every second of it. It’s a rock star romance with everything you could want - but these rockers aren’t your typical drugging and boozing it up kind of guys. They’re older, wiser. They’ve been there, done that. And now they’re tired and not quite sure where to go.

Enter Dalia, the tattooed spunky redhead who somehow manages to worm her way into their lives and onto their tour bus. Her and Nick start out hating each other and it morphs into so much more. I highly recommend giving this a read. And bonus? It’s on KU!

Well, that’s what I read this weekend in between rewriting big chunks of Finding Zen, so watch for more about that soon.

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